Join the only CX conference
for the Professional Services Industry
- Connect and learn from your peers and others who are working in the CX trenches
- Expand your professional network of CX practitioners from various professional services verticals
- Gain valuable insights and new ideas from leading professional services CX experts
- Develop practical skills and actionable plans to execute and create change in your firm
Certify & Improve your CX skills
Put CXMP next to your name
- 12+ Hands-on Virtual Workshops
- Peer Learning Facilitated by CX Experts
- Access to a Library of CX Tools

Promote your Company
Get the recognition your CX program deserves
- Get your CX program objectively benchmarked throughout your company’s industry
- Attend the gala and receive your deserved recognition.
- Promote your company through your CX achievements

Do you have challenges with your CX Plan?
We get it. Tap into our community to get the help you need!

with your peers in the CXps Community.

our annual CXps Conference for exclusive CX training.

your skills from our rich knowledge library and talk CX tactics with experts all year long.

a Client Experience plan that sets your firm apart from the competition.
Join us at the
2025 CXps Conference

Enroll in our CXMP certification program
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What is CXps?
We know client relationships are at the heart of all professional services firms. We also know that forming a plan to improve them can be intimidating. That’s why we formed a supportive community of forward-thinking professionals who share the same vision of a future where client experience is a core business function across all professional services firms.
CXps initially began in 2015 as a conference for Client Savvy to share their client experience knowledge with the AEC, legal, and accounting communities. Since then, CXps has taken on a life of its own. As forward-thinking firms from across the country work to improve client relationships, a community has formed to share knowledge and best practices. Join the community to learn what’s worked well for other firms and learn from others’ mistakes. Then implement your own, well-informed personalized plan leading to happier, more committed clients.
Every session exceeded my expectations. The speakers are very passionate and I can tell they’re committed to helping elevate CX and EX in every attendee’s organization.
The Empathy Mapping Workshop was a “could have had a V8 moment” as I realized the many ways my firm could use these strategies to create strong client experiences.
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